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Query builder

Query builder is a heart of every DBAL. It strives to support any SQL query.


SELECT query

Select query is started with issuing select() method.

$queryBuilder->select('columnA', 'columnB');

SELECT queries are built from:


    ->join('another', 'table.another_id =', 'another')
    ->where($queryBuilder->condition('column', '=', '?'))
    ->orderBy('column', 'ASC')


See Conditions on how to construct WHERE conditions.

UPDATE query

Update query is started by issuing update() method.

$queryBuilder->update('table', 'alias');

UPDATE queries are built from:


        'columnA' => 'valueA',
        'columnB' => 'valueB'
    ->where($queryBuilder->condition('columnC', '=', '?'))
    ->orderBy('columnD', 'ASC')

INSERT query

Insert query is started by issuing insert() method.

$queryBuilder->insert('table', 'alias');

INSERT queries are built from:


        'columnA'   => 'valueA',
        'columnB'   => 'valueB'

DELETE query

Delete query is started by issuing delete() method.

$queryBuilder->delete('table', 'alias');

DELETE queries are built from:


    ->where($queryBuilder->condition('column', '=', '?'))
    ->orderBy('column', 'ASC')


FROM clause

public function from(string|QueryBuilderInterface $from, string $as = null): static;

FROM clause defines a table or subquery (another QueryBuilder for SELECT statements).

INTO clause

public function into(string $from, string $as = null): static;

INTO clause defines a table for INSERT queries. It's an alias for FROM, but it supports only table names and alias.

JOIN clause

JOIN clause is used to combine rows from tables based on related columns.

// inner join
public function join(string $table, string $on, string $alias = null, JoinType $type = JoinType::INNER): static;
// left join
public function leftJoin(string $table, string $on, string $alias = null): static;
// right join
public function rightJoin(string $table, string $on, string $alias = null): static;
// full join
public function fullJoin(string $table, string $on, string $alias = null): static;


Values are an associative array of column, value for INSERT or UPDATE queries.

public function values(array $values): static;
public function value(string $column, mixed $value): static; // add single value
public function set(array $values): static; // alias for values

WHERE clause

WHERE clause is used to filter records. Where clauses are built using conditions.

public function where(Condition|ConditionGroup|callable $condition): static; // single where
public function andWhere(Condition|ConditionGroup|callable $condition): static; // add AND where
public function orWhere(Condition|ConditionGroup|callable $condition): static; // add OR where